K-9 Kindergarten.
Sleepless nights, potty training accidents, chewing everything in sight- we get it and we can help. Puppyhood can be a whole lot easier if you know how the experts do it. The most important time in your dog’s life are the early stages and it’s crucial to make the information that’s coming in, count.
It all begins with a well-behaved dog. Maybe you have a dog that pulls on the leash or perhaps you are looking for an off-leash obedience course. You might even want Schutzhund training, trick training, swimming lessons or distraction training. Whatever your need is, we can get you there.
From severe aggression to dogs with very odd behaviors, Jennifer has seen it all. We welcome dogs who suffer from fear, phobias, trauma, PTSD, anxiety, compulsions, aggression and beyond.
Co-Existence With Wildlife.
Are you fearful your little dog may be prey for a larger animal? Do you want to build a coyote proof enclosure, fencing or learn tips on how to prevent coyotes from coming onto your property? If so, give us a call, we can help.
Wolf & Wolf- Dog Behavior.
Do you have a wolf or wolf-dog that you are currently owning as a pet? Most wolves and wolf-dogs kept as pets don’t live to see their 2nd birthday. Refuges are full and there aren’t a lot of options for dealing with their behavior. If you need help, Jennifer can assist you by addressing behavior concerns.
Imports, Adoptions & Breeders.
It can sometimes be overwhelming choosing a dog through adoption or purchase. Jennifer consults clients from start to finish guiding them to the right dog. She also has access to breeders all over the world. Whether you are interested in purchasing a protection dog, family pet or adopting from the shelter, Jennifer can help.
Pet Industry Consulting.
Jennifer has years of experience training staff and employees to understand safety protocols and preventing problems. Organizations include boarding facilities, animal shelters, doggie day cares, retail stores and beyond. She also has experience testing products and giving feedback. We can help your business reach new heights with a specialist on board.
Expert Witness Testimony.
If you are an attorney in the Las Vegas area and are in need of an expert witness for a case, Jennifer is available at her hourly rate for consultation and testimony. She has experience with the court system and has an expertise in both dog and wolf behavior.